
Have you made a first appointment with me for a massage?
If you have never had a professional massage or have never been with me you might find it quite exciting. That makes sense! That is why I would like to explain to you how it goes when you come to me.


Upon entering, you can take off your shoes in the hallway. This keeps the practice room clean. We go up 1 flight of stairs to the practice room where it is wonderfully warm. There is a soft music playing, The oil is already preheated and there are clean, soft large cloths on the massage table. You will probably immediately feel peace come over you.

Preparing for the massage

You sit down in a comfortable chair and we talk about your possible muscle complaints, your wishes and tell you what may be important for the massage (e.g. a recent injury, pregnancy, serious illness, mental strain, etc.). I also ask you if you might be allergic to nuts. Why? Most of my massage oils are almond based. I will use grapeseed oil for people with a nut allergy.


I explain to you what to expect during the massage. After this I leave you alone to take off your clothes (keep your panties on) and lie on the heated massage table. In most cases I ask you to lie on your stomach with your head in the headrest. If you come for a pregnancy massage, we have already discussed in advance how you will lie on the table.

The massage

When I come back I will cover you warmly and the massage can begin. I will occasionally tune in how the pressure is for you. Depending on your situation, the pressure will be firmer or milder. And of course you report it if something doesn’t feel right to you. About halfway through the massage I will ask you to turn and lie on your back (this is different with pregnancy massage). Because I hold up a large massage cloth you don’t have to feel “bare”. I then continue with massage of the front of your body and finish with a wonderful chest, neck, face and head massage. This is when many people experience complete relaxation.

Do I have to talk during the massage?

No definitely not. In principle I am quiet when I massage you, but if you like to talk then I will of course join you. It’s your massage, you decide.

What if I fall asleep?

No problem! Isn’t it wonderful when you relax so much that you doze off. That happens quite often, just like it can happen that you may drool a bit from relaxation or that your belly starts to bubble.

At the end

I gently tell you that we are at the end of the massage. You will then have the opportunity to relax on the massage table, get up carefully and get dressed while I wash my hands. I will get back to you afterwards to hear how you experienced the massage and I will tell you what I noticed during the massage. You get a glass of water and we close.

And after that?

Try to hold onto the peace that has come over you for the rest of the day. Preferably do not plan busy appointments or intensive activities after the massage and give yourself some rest at home. For example, sit on the couch with a cup of tea or take a warm shower or bath. The metabolism in your body is activated by the massage and your body is encouraged to remove waste products. Give your body time for that and drink some extra water or tea.

And then some practicalities:

– leave your jewelry at home as much as possible
– during the massage you put your mobile on silent
– please pay after the massage with pin (preferred) or cash

Do you have questions?

Feel free to send an email to or call me on 06 53 765 298

Look forward to the massage and see you soon!

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